BREAKING: Health officials have now determined the COVID-19 death rate for those under 70 years old is just 0.04% -- less than the common flu
How to get to 175,000 deaths:
"Every single person who has COVID-19 listed anywhere on their death certificate is in fact counted... and anyone who has a COVID-19 positive test within a certain period of when they died is also counted."
Donc on est passés de 10000 morts de la #grippe en moyenne annuels à ...88.
Eh ben on a un GROS souci! Plus aucuns chiffres après 18/03, source Santé Publique France. Les morts ont été comptés en #COVIDー19 ou année miraculeuse de la grippe?🙄 Merci à…
1/3 of #Covid deaths would have occurred this year anyway, most of the rest by the end of 2021: if you can’t trust the world’s largest for-profit funeral company, who can you trust? (They’re legally obligated to tell the truth - at least to their investors.)
#France Euthanizing it's senior citizens during the height of the #covid pandemic ?
New sources show that between March-May:
13 464 "extra" doses of Clonazepam were delivered
This could amount to one third or even half of all deaths during the pandemic !
Let's take a brief journey into the success (or lack thereof) of masks in preventing the spread of coronavirus.
Come with me on a tour of the wonderful world of mask mandates and their results.
Here is a preview of our journey.
Grippe 2018 Hessen
-> Krankenhäuser überfüllt
-> hunderte Patienten
-> med. Personal krank
-> kaum freie Betten
Vous voulez une perle ? Une preuve que l'on se fout de nous ? Dans la note du Conseil scientifique du 26 octobre il est écrit que le confinement propageait le virus ! Je vous mets une capture et vous pouvez vérifier vous même page 9 ! Bises.…
#France. No, this isn't #Covid. It's #influenza 2012-2017
Excerpt from…
John D Stats @JohnDStats
Quite honestly I don't even know what to make of this but it's insane. The symmetry is just... bizarre.
Weekly count of deaths of Covid-19 both with and without pneumonia, separated into two groups.
In 2009, governments around the world were tricked into stockpiling vaccines against a virus.
It turned out that the virus wasn't very deadly and the World Health Organisation had been exploited to benefit pharmaceutical companies.
Thankfully, such a thing never happened again.
Pfizer's CEO cashed out 60% of his stock on the same day the company unveiled the results of its COVID-19 vaccine trial
Feeling tired months after #Covid19? Shortness of breath and coughing for weeks? #LongCovid? Novel?
This is what the British lung foundation expects to be a normal course after Pneumonia (regardless of the pathogen):
Let´s talk about EVALI. The mysterious, bilateral pneumonia among vaping (young) adults. It started in July 2019. Stunning: it peaked after about 8 weeks, then ceased to exist. And It also had distinct geographic hot spots.
Strange behaviour for a toxin-induced pathology.
Geology Jill @geoljills
Hospitals overwhelmed by spike in flu cases
The flu season has gotten so bad that some ERs in Southern California are having to divert ambulances to other hospitals.
Dans son rapport du 25/9/2020 la Société Française de Microbiologie préconise de considérer comme PCR+ à 33 CT (et non plus entre 40 et 45)
A noter pour interprétation courbes des "cas"
lien vers…
page 4
Dr Peter EL BAZE @PeterbobBaze
g0dlak (unofficial) 🧶 @godlak_1
Qui se souvient de ce pic de mortalité en janvier 2017 en France ?
aussi élevé que le pic du printemps #COVID19france
John D Stats @JohnDStats
🔴#VaccinARN Pfizer, ModeRNA, ce qu'il faut savoir
Dr Christian VELOT
Généticien moléculaire à l’Université Paris-Saclay
Président du Conseil scientifique du CRIIGEN…
One of our Freedom Of Information requests came back yesterday from ONS regarding Causes of Death & #COVID 👇🏼
They re not reading from a Big Pharma script. I repeat: they are NOT reading from a Big Pharma script. There is no "agenda".
This is going to be one of my most important threads.
On Oct 24 2020 we analyzed the Rockefeller Foundation "Message Handbook - #Covid19 Testing & #Tracing, Sept 2020".
This thread examines the #UN [Share] Verified Guide to COVID-19 #Vaccine Communications (released Nov 18).
Important thread.
Q: What does #Imperial College, the World Economic Forum (#WEF), #Salesforce, #Sinovation Ventures (Chinese technology venture capital), #ABB (#automation technology), global artificial intelligence (#AI), all have in common?
#PCR 👇
Thread Reader App @threadreaderapp
1/ The father of the universal mask mandate @jeremyphoward. Why did this AI scientist from San Fran go all in with his #masks4all movement for a couple of months last summer and then walk away?
@ianmSC @mamasaurusMeg @MarkChangizi @Kevin_McKernan @KristenMeghan @AlexBerenson
Dr. #Drosten: "We are now losing public trust. Certainly.
.. Because the disease is not existing! [sic] It's not there.
.. Even though the incidence goes up, the fatalities don't go up. There are no dead people."
Décès annuels en Métropole depuis 1946 (en noir), en orange % population +75ans, en vert % pop. +60 ans.
On meurt beaucoup plus depuis 2010, coïncide avec augmentation forte %+60ans.
Corrélation entre décès et cette proportion = 47.34%
(33.18% avec %+75ans).
Les jeunes ont été passés à la moulinette du pcr... et du coup pcr+
g0dlak (unofficial) 🧶 @godlak_1
"tests": surreprésentation des 10-19 et 20-29 vers fin août/début septembre
20% de tous les tests
“positifs”: pic de 40% pcr+ chez 20–29 autour du 15 août
g0dlak (unofficial) 🧶 @godlak_1
intéressant de noter que la hausse des décès entamée depuis 2010 "colle" avec la hausse du % des 60ans+ dans la population (soit générations nées ap. 1950)
à intégrer dans interprétations stat. mortalité #COVID19france notamment
g0dlak (unofficial) 🧶 @godlak_1
1\ This thread commemorates those brave politicians who didn't let lockdowns slow them down
Send me other examples by DM, and I'll add them
First, Deborah Birx: retiring in disgrace after gathering 2 households and 4 generations for a Thanksgiving party
On the 19th March 2020 the WHO released this guidance intended for healthcare workers (HCWs), healthcare managers and IPC teams at the facility level & at national and district/provincial level:…
The fear of transmission is the problem, not Covid19, which can be treated: "We were intubating sick patients very early. Not for the patients’ benefit, but in order to control the epidemic & to save other patients,” Dr. Iwashyna said “That felt awful.”
[#COVID19] 🆕 Tous les résultats de tests, RT-PCR ou antigéniques, entrent dorénavant dans la production des indicateurs de suivi : taux d’incidence, taux de positivité et taux de dépistage #opendata
➡️ Les points à retenir #Thread ⤵️
Dr #SARSCoV2 in 2014: "PCR test too sensitive. Inflates numbers and puts healthy in the statistics."
I'm sorry what?! He is only few years my senior but has very senior brain....
Also we should stop testing of healthy!
#Drosten #PCRGATE #COVID19 #Science…
Chronique du passé.
Décembre 1969, grippe de Hong Kong.
31 000 morts en deux mois en France (avec une population moins nombreuse et moins vieille).
L'Institut Pasteur estime que l'épidémie n'est pas très grave.
Evidemment aucune restriction.
France Soir s'inquiète (un peu).
Made a quick & dirty #hospital #dance video. It's a rising genre. Sorry for the watermark, didn't want to pay anything for my 2 minutes of online video editing effort. Full audio track (without: dancing health care workers):, download enabled.
Lors de la consultation de "prévaccination", le médecin doit s'assurer de tout ce que dit la HAS, à savoir que la thérapie génique est réellement bénéfique pour le patient.
Il doit aussi s'assurer du consentement du patient au partage de ses données médicales selon la CNIL
1/ : A thread to summarize many findings,which pinpoint the global #corruption-#network of @c_drosten,@rki_de,@MackayIM,Andreas Nitsche,Olfert Landt,@tibmolbiol,@WHO,@wef,@MarionKoopmans & many more.
@ale_battini @patricksavalle @JulieHouseOfWow @TravelLightP1