Je réchauffe (avant de m'y replonger avec données récentes) mes analyses stat. #COVID19france en rapport avec #etudiantsfantomes en espérant apporter ma maigre contribution à ce que les jeunes subissent...
The regional authority in Stockholm, #Sweden, finds that in 75% (!) of reported #Covid19 deaths the #coronavirus was not the decisive cause of death (Sw. "avgörande orsak"). Covid-19 was the decisive cause in only 17% of reported Covid-19 deaths. #pandemic…
Der ominöse Briten-Mutant von Corona zirkuliert seit Oktober in der Schweiz, ohne dass es einer gemerkt hätte, ohne dass es zu Massenansteckungen kam. 🤠 Hallo Leute, aufwachen, wie lange wollt ihr Euch noch verarschen lassen.…
New WHO test guidance issued: "WHO guidance Diagnostic testing for SARS-CoV-2 states that careful interpretation of weak positive results is needed (1). The cycle threshold (Ct) needed to detect virus is inversely proportional to the patient’s viral load"…
1/ One year of destroyed economies, social isolation & deep social splits calls for an anniversary ⬇️thread ⬇️ to celebrate the RT-qPCR manuscript by Christian Drosten (@c_drosten) & Victor Corman (@vmcorman), submitted on 21st Jan 2020 to @Eurosurveillanc. #UnbiasedScience
1/ In this short ⬇️thread⬇️, I will tell you why the inventor of the #COVID-PCR test (and German #Fauci), @c_drosten, is a ‘pyromaniac firefighter’ with strong economic ties while spreading highly contradictory messages.
Wann wirken Lockdowns?
Wie viele Tage liegen zwischen dem Beginn des Lockdowns und der Trendwende oder dem Peak?
Wenn Lockdowns die erwartete Wirkung haben, sollte der Verlauf nach dem Beginn des Lockdowns jeweils ähnlich aussehen.
Schauen wir uns ein paar Beispiele an.
#thread follow up w/r to several threads related to #COVID19 :
1. stringency index "effects" :
2. #lockdowns :
g0dlak (unofficial) 🧶 @godlak_1
Pour mémoire / retour vers le futur:
C. Drosten avait déjà trifouillé autour du #PCR il y a plus de 15 ans
La conclusion est pas mal :)
ce papier est dispo ici:…
Things that makes you go hmm
Reproduction rate vs Stringency index in Europe
overall R² = 2.36%
#thread follow up to previous thread below
i repeat the same excercise with positivity rate instead of reproduction rate vs stringency index by adding country, week and both effects in the panel regressions
g0dlak (unofficial) 🧶 @godlak_1
small #thread on Stringency index vs deaths in #COVID19 Europe by…
Brumby @the_brumby
The flu abruptly disappeared in March of 2020.
It disappeared at about the exact same time covid-19 testing and detection ramped up.
See the timing overlay below 👇
If the South African variant is so much more contagious, why isn't anyone in Southern Africa catching it?
@welt published an article today on the “panic paper”-scandal in Germany.
Title is "Maximum collaboration”, showing @BMI_Bund / Horst Seehofer had a secret paper drafted in the 1st COVID-19 wave that dramatically depicted the threat.
A scandal of gigantic proportions. Thread⬇️
Stringency index vs deaths in Covid-19: Country level analysis of Europe by @ChrisGodlak…
#COVIDー19 #Covid_19 #lockdown
Moderna en Pfizer mRNA vaccinaties zijn gentherapieën.
Weer een Wappie complottheorie die gewoon waarheid blijkt.
Covid19 vaccinatie verandert mogelijk je DNA met onbekende lange termijn effecten.…
Imagine a fictional #COVID-pandemic scenario that predicted the course of events. Such a #scenario exists and was written by scholars of the @JohnsHopkins University in 2017 ( Reading the doc requires courage & raises more questions than it gives answers.
So if we trust this from Liverpool university then for the past 12 months we have been locking non infectious people up for the last 12 months who are not infectious. Yet people were dismissed who said this including myself last year.…
In the 80s a certain group of health experts led the world to a scientific narrative that ended up being very profitable for them. The similarities with what’s happening today are striking. Hear the testimony of the very quixotic Dr. Kary Mullis (RIP). 1/3
This article is on the misdirection of science in 'HIV/AIDS' by Neville Hodgkinson author of "AIDS – The Failure of Contemporary Science" (Fourth Estate, 1996).…
Wonder what your covid risk is?
We’ve tracked nearly a half million people inside & outside long term care.
No models… just real data…
Survival rate outside long term care ~ 99.87%
Under age 60 ~ 99.97%
Overall ~ 99.66%
Find your age below 👇
1/: Avicenna was a Persian scientist, who lived 1000 years ago. He put two lambs in separate cages, which had the same health conditions. But only one lamb could see a wolf that was put in a third cage. The observations were astounding. (h/t @farmer_student) ⬇️a thread⬇️
Those who believe that a test is needed to diagnose the presence of respiratory diseases should also consider getting their brain function tested.
Look familiar? Only just over 10 years ago, the concerns were that the H1N1 vaccine was not being rolled out fast enough to combat the rising number of cases and deaths.…. The rushed vaccine was subsequently withdrawn after causing narcolepsy in children.
Grand jeu : mentionner ici les formules phares de la rhétorique covidiste pour valider l'inacceptable. #sophismes
Italian Doctor: in Covid I Acted as Usual, I Had No Death or ICU Hospitalization…
Wiosna idzie...
Skurwysyny podkrecili PCR i poszlo (oprocz "R0" ktore zawczasu bylo jakze waznym parametrem...)
Mechanicznie hospitalizacje i zgony z pcr+ up
Correlation not causality ale interesujaco wygladaja te krzywe szcepien w tym zestaweniu...
#KoronawirusWPolsce #lockdown
#Thread #COVID19france #confinement3 #Castex
Suite de ce 1er thread:
+ de pcr / population => + incidence chez les futurs confinés
g0dlak (unofficial) 🧶 @godlak_1
Quelle est la relation entre la température journalière moyenne et le %pcr+ ("taux de positifs ou de positivité") par département en Métropole depuis le mois de mai 2020 ?
#thread #COVID19france #PCR #confinement
1. "tests" massifs sur gamins
2. "Cas" en hausse
(Pfizer annonce efficacité 100% "vaccins" sur enfants)
3. #confinement3 , fermeture écoles + vacances harmonisés
4. "Tests" en baisse, "cas" suivent
5. "Preuve" efficacité confinement
Pour mémoire:
Décision d’admission des patients en unités de réanimation ou de soins critiques dans un contexte d’épidémie de Covid-19
Mars 2020…
Did Lockdown Work? An Economist’s Cross-Country Comparison
Christian Bjørnskov
CESifo Economic Studies
Another brick in our TEST POLICY research:
Here, the number of test done/cases found the PREVIOUS day.
Data for UK, USA, SP, IT, FR.
We observe the CRAZY effort to maintain the Pandemic thru the negligible basal phase.
(Way) More than 100 test performed for each case found!!
We examined public sequencing data from Wuhan and discovered contamination of agricultural datasets by viral sequences.
We were even able to pull out two novel MERS-like coronaviruses, one of which was in a reverse genetics backbone.
The purpose of the Wuhan fear videos was driving consent for "15 days to slow the spread." The purpose of "15 days to slow the spread" was mass testing. The purpose of mass testing was lockdown until vaccines. The purpose of vaccines was vaccine passes—and social credit scores.
The benefits of mask-wearing by healthy people in the general population- WHO Interim Guidance Dec 1, 2020 (p 10)
Got to love these two!!!
Ce sont les mesures de confinement qui ont surtout tué en EHPA depuis l'état d'urgence.
L'obsession de Véran et Salomon à "protéger l'hôpital" a réduit les transferts EHPA vers hôpital.
Pas de traitement, pas O2, surmortalité 9700 résidents (achevés avec du Rivotril ?)
autant pour moi... me suis gourré de bâtiment... ce sont des fanatiques (et po(u)êt(e)) ?
g0dlak (unofficial) 🧶 @godlak_1
I will keep on asking.....
Also, how is the PCR picking up Covid when it is NOT even calibrated to Covid but instead a THEORETICAL virus genome?
How do they find them?
Knight Commander of the Garter James Delingpole @JamesDelingpole
Pass sanitaire : "Il cessera ses effets au 30 septembre. Nous nous opposerons à toute prorogation", prévient @phgosselin.
#Covid19 #DirectAN
"As It Used To Be"
Dans un futur proche, les professeurs ne donnent cours que devant une classe vide et une simple webcam, retransmettant la leçon sur Internet... #socialdistancing #newnormal #COVIDー19 ?
A complete collapse in covid cases in most Indian states. Interesting that the most populous state, Uttar Pradesh (200m), has had some of the best results, while Tamil Nadu some of the worst.
Uttar Pradesh govt praises Ivermectin for great results. Tamil Nadu denies citizens use
The Panic Profiteers are saying the Delta Variant is going to decimate states with "low" vax rates -- 30-40%.
Yet, somehow, in India only 3.5% are fully vaccinated & cases have plummeted despite the widespread presence of the variant.
These fear mongers are pathological liars.
"Projet de loi « Passe sanitaire »et« obligation » vaccinale contre la Covid-19. Réponse aux nombreux TÉMOIGNAGES (appels au secours) reçus: proposition de deux solutions d’urgence":…
Copie à : @EmmanuelMacron @JeanCASTEX @olivierveran @AssembleeNat
C19 Vaccine Safety Perception in Europe?
I analysed Serious Reactions per 100K C19 vaccine doses, registered at @EMA_News , over time.
This graph: Pfizer / Comirnaty
Spoiler here:
Wouter Aukema @waukema
This is new: NBC News is reporting that new data suggests VACCINATED people have higher levels of virus in them and can infect other people. That would mean the new surge may be caused by them despite all the fear mongering about the people who choose not to get jabbed. Thoughts?
SARS-COV-2 care home acute outbreaks in England.
They are now the same level as mid December.
95% residents vaccinated 75% staff. Staff full PPE, limited visitations.
So stop this vaccines stop transmission nonsense. They protect the individual, they don't stop the spread.
The genesis of a pandemic.
The #Corona crisis began with a panopticon of absurd events, improbable coincidences and outright lies.
Time for a review of the impossibilities.
A thread 🧵
La Base Claude Bernard déconseille le "vaccin" Pfizer aux femmes enceintes ou allaitantes, au moins de 16 ans, en cas de fièvre, aux immunodéprimés, en cas de trouble de la coagulation, hémophilie ou thrombose, en cas de réaction allergique
1/210: Markus Kerber's Apollo 13
In March 2020, the German Ministry of the Interior @BMI_Bund issued a #strategypaper that weaponized fear in order to accomplish compliance with #COVID policies. The authors' emails were litigated under #FOIA request. My analysis. #MEGATHREAD ⬇️
Check out @CDCgov’s evolving definition of “vaccination.” They’ve been busy at the Ministry of Truth:
Spain's 5th wave is a PURE HUMAN ARTIFACT, created thru PREDETERMINED testing policy.
Linear regression from 5th wave IncidenceRate/Test performed, both 14 days makes the perfect fit (R2=0.99) expected for dependent parameters
During Basal Phase, Pandemic is, EXACTLY, testing.
1/n Un vaccin (même classique) n'est jamais anodin :
"Le Vaccin ne donne aucun effet secondaire, encore dénommé « indésirable » : il ne donne que des effets personnalisés.
En effet, le Vaccin ne donne aucune Maladie, EN SOI ; il révèle simplement un état de maladie potentielle.
🚨 Does #Covid19 Vaccination lead to less COVID-19-Like Illness (CLI)?
A test-negative design study with 41,552 participants looked CLI diagnosis, symptomatic illness, and test positivity by vaccination status.
⬇️ Megathread below... ⬇️ Like & RT 🚨
#Covid #Corona #Coronavirus
I finally figured it out, folks! 2018 study:
"People who are especially worried about contagious illness are more likely to espouse moral values of obeying authority, being loyal to one’s group, and avoiding behaviors viewed as “impure.”
No kidding...
🚨 @BorisJohnson on SKY 🗣
“It doesn’t protect you from catching the disease and doesn’t protect you against passing it on”
In just 6 weeks, the Covid Pass has transformed my country into a regime of control and segregation.
This is the new society created in Lithuania, the nation furthest along the path to the authoritarianism inevitably facing all countries which impose a Covid Pass regime:
Israel has identified four cases of the B.1.1.529 variant, all recent travellers. One case, a 32-year-old woman returning from South Africa, was triple vaccinated with Pfizer and had her 3rd dose just two months ago.
So now the new variant with “mild symptoms” has become “The Super-Mutant Strain”. Maybe by tomorrow it will be the “Terrifyingly Most Deadly Strain” Of course the media are not sensationalising this.
Great that the data & code for Bangladesh mask RCT has been released…. I tried to run their code and it seems there are only very small differences to what was reported in the paper.
Cnews a eu un trou dans sa raquette et cherche maintenant à censurer cette vidéo. Merci de la diffuser !
Oh wow, so the first Omicron death story was a lie.
We are living in such a deceitful and disgusting time.
The propaganda from our media has been atrocious.
Au CSI, Laurent Toubiana, chercheur à l’@Inserm, compare, l’incidence des malades du COVID à l’incidence des malades de la grippe des 7 dernières années !
Exemple : Le nombre de malades COVID de la première vague est 10x inférieur à celui de la grippe de 2014-2015 !!
Let’s go back in time to 3/29/21
“No we know that the vaccines work well enough that the virus stops with every vaccinated person… The virus does not infect them…It cannot use a vaccinated person as a host to get more people.”
Interesting analysis concludes that, as a general tendency, the more a country vaccinates the less reliable the data it shares becomes.
Erinnert ihr euch noch, die Winter vor 2020? Als die #TyranneiDerUngeimpften ohne Influenza- und Pneumokokkenimpfung regelmäßig die Kliniken zum Überlaufen brachte? Wie konnten wir das ohne 2G,3G, #Notschutzschalter und Impfzwang schaffen?
Mini-Thread ⬇️
Zacki @FrankfurtZack